PureVibe: Een Nieuw tijdperk van Intimiteit en Genot

Bij PureVibe zetten we ons in om iedereen te helpen hun seksualiteit te omarmen en zelfliefde te vieren. We geloven in open gesprekken over seks en moedigen verkenning aan door middel van seksspeeltjes. Ieder individu verdient het om zich zelfverzekerd te voelen en hun seksuele interesses en behoeften zonder stigma te uiten. Onze missie is om gesprekken over seks te normaliseren en taboes rond het gebruik van seksspeeltjes te doorbreken. En weet je wat? We kunnen dit niet alleen – we hebben jou nodig op deze reis met ons!

PureVibe: Een Nieuw tijdperk van Intimiteit en Genot

Bij PureVibe zetten we ons in om iedereen te helpen hun seksualiteit te omarmen en zelfliefde te vieren. We geloven in open gesprekken over seks en moedigen verkenning aan door middel van seksspeeltjes. Ieder individu verdient het om zich zelfverzekerd te voelen en hun seksuele interesses en behoeften zonder stigma te uiten. Onze missie is om gesprekken over seks te normaliseren en taboes rond het gebruik van seksspeeltjes te doorbreken. En weet je wat? We kunnen dit niet alleen – we hebben jou nodig op deze reis met ons!

We bring sex out in the open

We bring sex out in the open

It's a hard job, but we figured someone had to do it. We develop all our products ourselves, basing our designs on real anatomy and insights from thousands of women all over the world.

It's a hard job, but we figured someone had to do it. We develop all our products ourselves, basing our designs on real anatomy and insights from thousands of women all over the world.

Breaking Taboos - Increasing Lust for Life!

Since our founding, PureVibe has been on a mission to bring sexual wellness into the mainstream. We believe that vibrators and other sex toys should be available in everyday beauty and wellness stores. Sexual wellness is essential to both our physical and emotional well-being, and it's time we talk about it openly.

Breaking Taboos - Increasing Lust for Life!

Since our founding, PureVibe has been on a mission to bring sexual wellness into the mainstream. We believe that vibrators and other sex toys should be available in everyday beauty and wellness stores. Sexual wellness is essential to both our physical and emotional well-being, and it's time we talk about it openly.

Onze Tijdlijn

Onze Tijdlijn

We've come a long way since 2021. Here are some of our top highlights:
We've come a long way since 2021. Here are some of our top highlights:
  • 11/2021
    Magic Pulsing Rabbit launched

  • 12/2021
    Launched on bol.com

  • 09/2022
    Launched webshop

  • 02/2023
    Vibrating Air-Pulse Massager reviewed on MissPoppie.be

  • 03/2023
    Featured in &C of Chantal Janzen in the Netherlands

  • 07/2023
    Started working with the first Brick & Mortar store

  • 09/2023
    Started selling male toys

  • 09/2023
    Partnered with a technology company for unique products

  • 09/2023
    Pleasure Pulse launched

  • 11/2023
    Pleasure Pulse hits 1,000 sales a month

  • 12/2023
    Magic Pulsing Rabbit hits 50,000 sales

  • 12/2023
    Reached €100,000 per month

  • 12/2023
    Crossed the €1,000,000 annual mark

  • 11/2021
    Magic Pulsing Rabbit launched

  • 12/2021
    Launched on bol.com

  • 09/2022
    Launched webshop

  • 02/2023
    Vibrating Air-Pulse Massager reviewed on MissPoppie.be

  • 03/2023
    Featured in &C of Chantal Janzen in the Netherlands

  • 07/2023
    Started working with the first Brick & Mortar store

  • 09/2023
    Started selling male toys

  • 09/2023
    Partnered with a technology company for unique products

  • 09/2023
    Pleasure Pulse launched

  • 11/2023
    Pleasure Pulse hits 1,000 sales a month

  • 12/2023
    Magic Pulsing Rabbit hits 50,000 sales

  • 12/2023
    Reached €100,000 per month

  • 12/2023
    Crossed the €1,000,000 annual mark

  • 02/2024
    Started working with 5 Brick & Mortar stores

  • 04/2024
    Attended an exhibit to source and partner with the best suppliers

  • 06/2024
    Product Launch party of two new products

  • 07/2024
    PureVibe goes live on Kaufland in Germany

  • 08/2024
    Product launch of the best-ever women product

  • 09/2024
    Product launch party for a new product

  • 09/2024
    PureVibe expands to France

  • 09/2024
    Product launch party for a new product

  • 10/2024
    Product launch party for a new product

  • 11/2024
    PureVibe expands to Spain

  • 2025
    PureVibe expands Europe-wide, focusing on breaking the taboo on Self-love & Intimacy with new product launches, events, and more.

  • 02/2024
    Started working with 5 Brick & Mortar stores

  • 04/2024
    Attended an exhibit to source and partner with the best suppliers

  • 06/2024
    Product Launch party of two new products

  • 07/2024
    PureVibe goes live on Kaufland in Germany

  • 08/2024
    Product launch of the best-ever women product

  • 09/2024
    Product launch party for a new product

  • 09/2024
    PureVibe expands to France

  • 09/2024
    Product launch party for a new product

  • 10/2024
    Product launch party for a new product

  • 11/2024
    PureVibe expands to Spain

  • 2025
    PureVibe expands Europe-wide, focusing on breaking the taboo on Self-love & Intimacy with new product launches, events, and more.