Discreet shipments

We at PureVibe would like to recommend our sex toys and other intimacy-enhancing products to you. We understand that privacy is very important and that you do not want others to find out what you have ordered online. That is why we would like to reassure you that all our products are shipped and packed with the utmost discretion. No one but you will know what you ordered.

You will receive your order in a brown box with something other than PureVibe on the label, namely "The Deliverybox". This is our parent company. In addition, our packages are sent from a different address, so no one will find out what you receive in your shipping box.

At PureVibe we want our customers to feel safe shopping with us. We respect your privacy and will keep it that way. If you have any questions about our products or our discreet shipping, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards, The PureVibe team